Q.What Is Happening To My Hybrid Tea Rose
I purchase a hybrid tea rose this spring. It has grown a lot and has many blooms. However, when it blooms they turn colors quickly (pic attached). It also has something going on with the leaves turning yellow with brown spots. I have been picked them off. I have fed the rose once with FoxFarm grow big. I have also been deadheading. Please help!

Thank you for sending the photos, it really helps. It looks like you have several things going on. One looks like Black Spot fungus. Another looks like insect issues with some places of foliage damage due to insect feeding on them. The blooms could be one of two things. For the fungus, spray the rosebush with a fungicide listed for killing/controlling black spot fungus. Spray per label instructions. Spray the rose with an insecticide either before using the fungicide or a week after. Not at the same time. Or you could use a combo product like Bayer/Bio-Advanced Rose and Flower Care. The blooms could be Thrips getting to them, could be due to the temps being very hot mid 90's to 100's for several days in a row or root bound issues. During strings of hot days it is difficult for the root system to move enough moisture to the extremities of the rosebush to prevent burning or damage. All you can do is make sure to keep the rose watered well but not soppy wet. Becoming root bound can be an issue with overall rosebush health. The rosebush may need to be either planted in a larger pot or in the ground to continue to do well. Water the rosebush with some water that has a product called Super Thrive mixed into the water. It is kind of like a vitamin tonic boost for the roses or plants. It helps them deal with all kinds of stresses and shocks.