Q.What Is Happening To My Chili Plant
I’ve been growing some chili plants for a few months now and I’ve bumped into some problems that are happening to them. One of my plants have dark spots all over the leaves and only on the top half of the plant and I’m concerned this could be some sort of virus. Along with this colouration, a lot of the leaves with this are falling on the ground. Because only half of the plant has this, I’m thinking of maybe pruning the top half off even though so much progress will be lost in the process. I hope you can get back to me to identify what is happening and a solution!! Thanks in Advance,
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like aphid insects (the little white bugs) and sooty mold, which develops on the honeydew they secrete. You can treat the aphids with insecticidal soap. (Commercial insecticidal soap is more dependable than homemade.) Once the pest problem is taken care of, the sooty mold can be washed off. Alternately, you can treat both with Neem oil. If you have several plants and the infestation is heavy, you may want to pull up the whole plant and discard.