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Basil Plants

Q.What Is “eating” My Plants, And What Can I Do To Stop This?

Zone 01002 | shschill added on May 30, 2020 | Answered

I just planted newly purchased small plants: basil, bee balm, curly parsley, and drawn phlox. The next day they looked like something was eating them (the parsley) but some plants small holes (basil, bee balm & phlox) What can I do organically to remove the pests, whatever they are? But for whatever reason, I cannot upload photos (and I have spent hours trying, because I was able to in the past). Perhaps I can send a couple of photos, if someone can help me

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2020

That is infection from wet soil! I would not recommend re using this. It will be easier and cheaper to start with fresh soil and correct the watering habits that lead to infection.

Be sure to let the soil dry, thoroughly, down to about 2 or 3 inches or so between watering. Saturated soils choke roots, and lead to infection.

The speed of the onset of symptoms would lead me to believe that the soil was infected before the time of planting.

Be sure that there is drainage at the bottom of the container. If there isn't, you may need to drill holes to let any extra water out, or choose a container with drainage.





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