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Fig Tree

Q.What Is Causing The Brown Patches On The Top Leaves Of My Fig Tree?

Zone 65652 | Anonymous added on September 2, 2022 | Answered

My fig tree is about a foot tall and is 2-3 years old. Last week, these brown patches showed up on the upper leaves. Can you help? The environment (sun, water) hasn’t changed.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 14, 2022

You may have some root rot going on since those are new leaves. I suggest repotting in fresh soil and clean the container well before repotting. Make sure to use well draining soil, and there should be several drainage holes in the bottom. Figs do not like wet feet.

They also need bright light. They grow quickly so check the roots; you may need to go up a pot size. Here are more care tips:



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