Q.What Is Causing New Growth on Wisteria to Curl and Drop Off?
I have a 7 year old Wisteria grown from a seed. It bloomed slightly last year and profusely this year. Something was skeletonizing the leaves, and I found tiny worms under the leaves, pale whitish green. I sprayed the plant with an insecticide with Sevin in it. I don’t see any more worms, but now the new leaves are unusually yellow, and they curl up, get slightly brown at the tips, and drop off. What can this be? I have a huge amount of those tiny brownish red ants all through my garden, but it never seemed to affect the plant before. Aany ideas would be appreciated!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may also be thrips. They can attack new growth and flowers and are very hard to see.
This article has more information:
No, it never had anything else in it. I believe the insects I have are some kind of leaf roller. I gave the plant some miracle grower, and will try a different insecticide. Thanks!
Is there any possibility of your sprayer being used with a herbicide before using the insecticide? What you describe sounds like herbicide damage.
I don't think the ants would be damaging your wisteria.