Q.Best tree to plant
What is best tree to plant in container at the entrance inside of home? Please provide the Names to plant in hall and bedrooms.
First, you need to consider the amount of light available; second you need to consider the size of plant you want; thirdly, consider the look you like. Indoor plants are divided into 3 light requirements - low, medium, and high. If there's not enough light to read comfortably, it's low light; if you can read, but your finger doesn't throw a shadow until it's 2-3" from the page, it's medium light; if your finger will throw a shadow 6" or more from the page, it's high light. These are very broad outlines, but will give you a rough idea which category of plants you should select from. Look through the reference material, or go to a plant store to decide what look you want. Then find out how to properly take care of the plants you select .