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Rubber Tree Plants

Q.What Happens If The Rubber Tree Leaves Touch The Side Of The Covering?

Zone Cincinnati | Anonymous added on November 20, 2020 | Answered

According to your article on how to propagate a rubber plant, the leaves shouldn’t touch the sides of the glass or clear plastic covering. Can you tell me why that is? Will it not work if they do? I don’t have a large enough covering for my rubber tree cutting to cover without them touching!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 22, 2020

It's best to avoid touching the sides because, if they do, mold could develop between the leaf and the plastic or glass. It will still work if they touch.

It says in the article you can cut the leaves in half so they don't touch. Or, if you are using a plastic bag, you can blow into it to inflate it to keep the leaves off the sides as much as possible. Then use a twist tie to close the opening and keep the air inside.

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