Q.What Happened to My Hollyhock
I have a small garden close to the house with onions-radishes-spinach and lettuce. In the middle a few hollyhocks were about 9 inches high from last year and I went out yesterday and they had been eaten to the quick. What animal or pest would of done that?
They took the whole plant to the woody root. Thank you – Shelly

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This 45 degree angle that you mention is indicative of a rabbit issue.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Deer will do that. Even if you have a fence, a deer can clear a 6' fence without needing any runup. This article might help:

Not that I know much about what critters eat what, but I have been experiencing the same thing. It is impossible for it to be a deer (in my case)..About 3-6 feet behind my flower garden is a lake & we live in the middle of a pretty woodsy neighborhood. You’d think deer can get here, but it’s nearly impossible. The deer would have nowhere to go, except for in the water. I’ve seen a few deer in the hood, but never in 30 years have I spotted one nearby my house. Whoever the culprit is eights about six patches of Alaskan daisies, like you down to the woody ground, has eaten sunflowers a new French pussy willow tree, my coneflowers, along with a few other things. It almost looks like a professional cut them, almost at a 45° angle. I cannot figure out for the life of me what it is?!?