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Rye Grass

Q.What grass should I plant to replace winter rye?

Zone Lancaster county, Pa | Anonymous added on October 30, 2019 | Answered

Recently had work done on my property in late fall. I planter winter rye to help prevent erosion and just to have something green instead of mud. I want to plant regular grass seed in the spring. Should I till in the winter rye first or simply mow it down? What kind of seed would be best for part sun, part shade lawn?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 2, 2019

Thank you for sending us your gardening question about replacing your winter rye crop. Our experts suggest to cut it back when it's 6-12 inches tall, and till it in.
Here's the article that mentions this: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/grains/cover-crops/winter-rye-grass-growing.htm

It looks like Lancaster County is zoned 6B and 7, so it's not clear what grass might be best for your particular location. Here's an article about grasses that do
well in Zone 6:

You may want to check with your local extension service to learn which type will grow best on your property.

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