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Blueberry Bushes

Q.What general type of blueberry plant is a “BlueJay”?

Zone Harwich, MA 02671 | Anonymous added on July 2, 2020 | Answered

Last year I bought a “BlueJay” blueberry bush from a large local plant nursery on Cape Cod, MA. This year it has produced no fruit so far. This year the nursery told me mine had not started fruit because it needed a 2nd bush, preferably of a different cultivar, in order to be pollinated. So yesterday I bought a 2nd cultivar from this nursery that they verbally identified as a “BlueRay.” I looked at your website to determine whether the 2 types I now have are compatible for cross-pollination. I don’t see any “BlueJay” type on any of your lists. Please explain. And also, please tell me what the best varieties would be for cross pollinating each of them. Feel free to phone me at 617-877-5660. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2020

The Blue Jay is a highbush blueberry. Here's an article about highbush blueberries that will be helpful:
You may need to contact your local extension service for info on the best candidates for cross pollination in your area.

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