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Q.What Flowers To Use In My Side Planter

Zone claremont, NH 03743 | Anonymous added on March 1, 2021 | Answered

I have a planter that has 8 side holes for flowers, I would like to know what you would recommend for flowers that will tolerate full sun. I plant a filler in the top with spillers around the filler than I need to plant 8 plants in the side holes. Last yr I planted 8 supertunias in the 8 side holes and they didn’t do that good, they got very leggy and didn’t bush out much at all. I would really appreciate any advice.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2021

It's possible the petunias didn't get enough water if only the top of the planter was watered. Those side pockets are tricky when it comes to watering. You might try garden begonias (wax begonias). They don't need as much water and shouldn't mind if they get shorted. You also can water right into the pockets besides watering the top, or the bottom if that is how it is watered.

Also, do the pockets still get full sun when the top is planted? Are any of them on a shady side? Begonias can take sun or shade so they will do well regardless.

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