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Q.what flowers attract hummingbirds?

Zone 45714 | pamellita added on June 25, 2018 | Answered

looking for small purple cone shaped flower that attracts hummingbirds

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 28, 2018

The flower I was looking for is Torenia It may not attract the Hummers, but it is a beautiful cone shaped flower that looks very similar to Canterbury Bells. Thanks for all of the input.
Grace and peace!

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Answered on June 27, 2018

Hummingbirds do not feel comfortable flying close to the ground. When you mention "small" plants, do you mean a hanging basket? To attract wildlife, look to plants that are native in your area. These are the plants that local fauna know are safe to consume.

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Answered on June 26, 2018

This article lists several plants that attract Hummingbirds.


I have had good luck with Penstemon plants attracting Hummingbirds in my own garden!
There are several purple varieties.


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