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Holly Bushes

Q.What dwarf holly plants will give me berries?

Zone Zone 6 Hamilton, Ohio | Jollyholly added on August 4, 2015 | Answered

I want dwarf hollies, as my space is limited. I like the looks of Taylors Rudolph (Ilex vomitora). I need to pair it with whatever sex is compatible so that I get bright green foliage with red berries in a compact bush. Can you suggest varieties that will accomplish this and where to procure them? I live in Zone 6.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 11, 2015

From my research the Taylors Rudolph cultivator would not be a good choice for a Zone 6 garden. They are hardy in Zones 7-10
It is best to go to your local garden centers for the best choices for your zone.
Here are some links for you.


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