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Watering Plants

Q.What Does It Means Water From Below And Then From Top

Zone Orlando Florida | Anonymous added on August 1, 2021 | Answered

Desert rose seeds

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 2, 2021

It is a term frequently used when watering inside, potted plants. water from the top means to water the potting soil so the water percolates all the way down. Water from the bottom means to water by pouring the water into the saucer and letting the plant absorb the water from the bottom up.

Note: when watering by filling the saucer, it may be necessary to do so multiple times. Water again until there is some water unabsorbed in the saucer but stop watering from the bottom after about 30 minutes. Also note that salts can move upwards and accumulate when watering this way but not when you water from above, something that helps leach the salts from the potting soil. Instead of watering from below "always", some people prefer to water mostly from below with a few waterings from above now and then in order to avoid the salt accumulation problem.

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