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Schefflera Plants

Q.schefflera houseplant develops brown spots

sdejong added on June 11, 2012 | Answered

What does it mean if my schefflera houseplant develops brown spots on leaves? They start as small spots and then grow and then the leaves fall off.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2012

It likely is a fungus (there are several that create brown spots) and should be treatable with fungicide.

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Answered on June 14, 2012

The most likely fungus culprits flourish in damp soil, so for long term control, try not to water so much. Schefflera really detest wet roots. The soil needs to be fully aerated before watering again; that is, if you dig up a spoonful of soil from as far down the pot as you can reach, at least 6", it should feel cool and pleasant, and if you squeeze it, it should clump together not at all, or only slightly.

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