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Q.What Does Brahma Kamal Mean In Hindi?

Zone 201013 | coral bells added on February 24, 2023 | Answered

Brahma Kamal is a Hindi word, and it is pronounced as “ब्रह्मकमल” in Hindi. In Hindi, Brahma means “The Creator” and Kamal means “Lotus”. Therefore, the literal translation of Brahma Kamal in Hindi is “The Lotus of The Creator”. This name is derived from the Hindu mythology where it is believed that Brahma Kamal was created by Lord Brahma, who is considered the creator of the universe. https://www.nationbloom.com/collections/product/brahma-kamal-epiphyllum-oxypetalum-plant

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 24, 2023

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