Q.What Do We Do About Treating Peonies That Turn A Purplish Gray After The Blooming Period Is Over.
We are in Southeastern Wisconsin. Most of the beautiful peonies that we have in our church garden get plenty of sun and water, and we absolutely love them. The problem is that awhile after the blooming period, the leaves start turning a purplish charcoal gray (rather than with irregular white spots that I see in photos of powdery mildew). The plants still looks somewhat healthy for awhile, then start a slow deterioration. Is there something I could spray them with after they’ve been deadheaded? Or do you have any other suggestions? I don’t have photos of the plant or the leaves. I hope the description is enough.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, without photos it is hard to say for certain. It does sound like, either, sooty mold or downy mildew.