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Money Tree

Q.What do I do if the tips of the leaves of my money tree plant turn yellow?

Zone Matteson, Illinois, 60443 | Anonymous added on June 8, 2020 | Answered

I keep the money tree on my dining room table where it gets plenty of light but no direct sunlight. It is growing really well although from your article I believe I am not watering it properly, I give it some water every other day. I see I will have to change the watering habits. Every once in awhile, I soak a banana peel in a large glass of water for a day, then I put that water in a watering can & fill it with water & water my plants. My ivy plant which I have had for about 32 years, loves it & is doing well so I tried that on the money tree (maybe I shouldn’t have) & it didn’t seem to hurt it as it is growing big & I may possibly have to move it if it gets too heavy for my dining room table. I have a wide ledge by the window but I thought it may get too much cold air off the window in the winter. I don’t know how to upload photos to the computer.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2020

These trees are notoriously heavy feeders. It is likely that the peel water is not near enough to keep it happy, although they can survive with low nutrients, they cannot survive no nutrients. You can feed them every two weeks with a half strength water soluble fertilizer. They are pretty forgiving, as long as there is at least some nutrients in the soil.

Yellowing can also happen due to not enough light. Some direct light through a window will not hurt it at all. Outside, they can be burned by direct light, but with only a few hours per day indoors, it will not hurt at all.

Last, overwatering can cause this too. You should only water once the soil is completely dry down to about 3 inches or so. You can check with a moisture meter, or just sticking your finger in the soil. They can tolerate a dry out completely for short periods, though.

This article will help you to care for them:

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