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Lily Plants

Q.What Do I Do If My Lilies Do Not Get A Cold Period?

Zone 55104 | Anonymous added on October 25, 2021 | Answered

Received lily bulbs yesterday. Live in MN, It is snowing and the ground is frozen. Told they must have a cold period for root development, so no idea how to protect them. They are Lilium dauricum (2 2/25″ diameter bulbs. the other is L. regale. I note you say they can be stored in peat, but if they require a cold period for root growth I am not sure what to do.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 31, 2021

You can store your bulbs in a cool, but frost free location till spring, then plant them outside as soon as the soil is workable. (It's preferable to plant summer blooming bulbs in spring after the threat of frost has passed, rather than fall.) Summer blooming bulbs usually are not purchased till spring as they don't need the chill period like spring-blooming bulbs do.



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