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Environmental Problems

Q.What Could Be The Cause

Zone KT220UL | Nstrauss added on October 4, 2020 | Answered

We have lived here for 40 years. The back garden looks over an open field with woods behind. This year for the first time the bottom of the garden became sodden even in the dry part of summer, and patches of reeds or spiky grass appeared as per the photo below. Not sure what they are or what they signify as to the cause of the wet. I would be grateful for any advice you can give.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 5, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I would contact your local authorities, though, as it could be a water main leak, or even worse! Septic leaks can be much more of a problem, and each country and region may have a different way of dealing with these issues.

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