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Hyacinth Plant

Q.holes in Key Lime Pie Plant

Zone North Carolina | Anonymous added on May 13, 2016 | Answered

I got a Key Lime Pie plant last week and replanted it this past weekend. Yesterday it did not have these holes in it, but today it has these odd holes on the older leaves. It is kept indoors near other plants. There are two cats in the house. I have watered it once since planting it. There are pebbles in the bottom of drainage. What could be causing these holes in my Key Lime Pie plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2016

Can you describe the holes (size, shape, on outside of leaves or inside, etc.) or send a photograph? Is there any discoloration in the leaves?

It could be attributed to insects. I would examine the soil and the undersides of leaves for signs of insects.

It could also be fungal in nature. What soil did you use to pot your plant? Did you use sterile soil (potting soil)? You cannot use garden soil for indoor plants because it contains bugs and even diseases.

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