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Lawn Maintenance

Q.What Causes Webbing Over Our Grass In The Mornings?

Zone Surrey (KT16) | Anonymous added on November 6, 2021 | Answered

Hi, We have recently moved to a house with a garden. We have never had one before, so we are completely new to the world of gardening. For the past two days, we have noticed a strange webbing over our grass in the early mornings, which seems to disappear over the course of the day. When I blow on the webbing, it lifts easily and disappears. I initially thought that it might be dollar spot fungus (based on some serious Googling), but we do not seem to have any other symptoms of the fungus, such as browning spots. Could it be spider webs? What should we do about it? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 9, 2021
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