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Container Gardening

Q.What can I use the lids from 5 gallon bucket for

Zone 7b | 208smbf added on October 22, 2015 | Answered

I use 5 gallon buckets for my container garden and all grows real well. But do I need to use the lid under the bucket or do I need to lay the lid on top during the winter to keep the dirt dry. Just want to know what other folks do with all their lids instead of throwing them away.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 23, 2015

Great question, but I don't have any clever ideas for the lid use either!

Buckets are so handy and it's always good to have some lids to close up for storage.

I do recommend that you start each season with fresh planting mix in your buckets.
The plants have likely depleted the nutrients.

Here is a link with more information.

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