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Hyacinth Plant

Q.What can I plant

Zone Copperopolis,CA 95228 zone 9a | tommyboy47918 added on August 12, 2017 | Answered

I hope you are doing well.

Because of a disability I have no use of my left side I’m primarily restricted to container gardening. I live in zone 9a the temps don’t drop below freezing before Dec. and not many hours below freezing.

I have both grow bags and half barrels.
I’ve not started planting yet the temps have been 40C or above every day this summer. My soil is very warm. I hope to start fall planting soon and don’t know what the best winter crops are for my area. I’ve thought about starting with carrots, pumpkins and turnips for plants and kiwi, guava and fig for trees. I’m a novice gardener with little experience and don’t know where to start. Thank you, Michael.

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Answered on August 14, 2017
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