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Hyacinth Plant

Q.What can I plant to block ground level hole in my arborvitae green giants

Zone Michigan | domgreco added on June 15, 2014 | Answered

There is a chain link fence behind the arborvitaes. We would also like the plants to block our dogs from running the fence line behind them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 17, 2014

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're looking for. When you said ground level hole, I thought you meant a hole in the trunk. Then when you say you want plants to keep the dogs away from the fence, I'm thinking you want another hedge sort of plant. Green giant is supposed to be very fast growing, and should also create a lot of shade, which is going to keep other plants from growing. You might try some ornamental grass in front until the arborvitae fill in. I don't know about plants between the arborvitae and the fence; some physical barrier, like poles, or rods wired perpendicular to the fence at an appropriate height, would probably work better to stop the dogs.

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