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Q.What Can I Plant In Top Soil Over Concrete?

Zone Greer, SC 29651 | Anonymous added on April 11, 2022 | Answered

We removed a large concrete staircase in the front of our home and we have found another concrete slab that comes up to the foundation. We have existing landscaping (to the right of the removed cement) that we wanted to be able to tie into while adding plant life where the removed concrete stairs and sidewalk once was. This cement slab is quite large and appears to be quite deep. We also have concerns as to why they would have done such a thing in the build. What could be be disturbing further? I am at a loss and any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2022

You can build a nice raised bed up to the porch height and fill with compost and topsoil. Choose foundation plants that complement the ones you already have and want to keep. Here are some ideas for plants:




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