Q.What Can I Do With Dwarf Fountain Grass That Is Compacted in the Center?
I have three dwarf fountain grass plants in the front of our landscaping and the center round area in each plant is compacted and not growing at all. This started last season and got worse over the winter and the only growth we have now is a little green growth around the circumference of each plant. Will this continue to grow? Is the whole plant dead? Can it be divided and replanted? Thanks!

You did not indicate how long you've had your dwarf plants however, I highly recommend dividing. These plants are low-low maintenance -every year I let the plants be then trim them way down and pull off dead growth as soon as last frost is gone. The plants seem to really thrive from this and come back with beautiful new fronds each year. I have had to divide a plant or two and there are several detailed instructions online on how to do this.