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Cherry Trees

Q.What Can I Do, My Van Graft Is Oozing Sap On My 3 And 1 Cherry Tree?

Zone 92223 | salmettias added on May 15, 2020 | Answered

Hi I have a 3 in 1 grafted Jubilee Cherry tree. Arrived healthy and I took great care of checking the soil requirements. We have a alkaline soil so I had a 36 inch deep hole dug and 36 inches in circumference. I used gypsum,in the bottom of hole do to clay and used aged cow manure, top soil, coconut fiber, organic soil and I used a very limited amount of 30 % Vinegar ratio to lower the Ph to about 6.8 Soil was mixed many times and tested and retested. The tree arrived, it was breaking bud, soaked roots or about three hours. Added the required amount of organic plus Fruit Tree Fertilizer. I have a electronic meter that confirms the Ph and also checking the Fertilizer. Both appeared correct. All grafts seemed to do well but in the third week the Van section lost its leaves buds and I discovered oozing sap. The other two grafts have leaves and cherries appeared but they did not make it. I suspect I may be dealing with a bore. I am not sure if I should cut the branches of the Van Cherry graft or if My problem might be at the base of the cherry tree. I used Bonide Captain Jacks Dead Bug but I do not see any improvement. I am going to recheck the tree but this time I am going to remove the mulch around the base and check for any indication or activity of insects or bores. Is there anything else I might have overlooked? Sincerely, I would like to send pictures but I do not know how to do jpeg, jpg and png formats Sally M.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2020

I too would inspect for boring insect damage. If not that, then the grafts may be starting to reject. I recommend wiping away the ooze, applying a Tree Wound and Grafting sealer. Perhaps even wrap the area with some Tree Wrap Paper. Hopefully that will save it. Link to some sealer for you: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Tanglefoot-16-oz-Tree-Wound-Pruning-Sealer-and-Grafting-Compound-0461812/312548076?mtc=Shopping-B-F_Brand-G-Multi-NA-Multi-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-Catchall_PLA&cm_mmc=Shopping-B-F_Brand-G-Multi-NA-Multi-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-Catchall_PLA-71700000014585962-58700001236285396-92700010802552517&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp5mzq4y76QIVg4bACh1FTgkzEAQYBCABEgJpAfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Water the tree with some water that has a product called Super Thrive mixed into the water the next 4 to 5 times it needs watering.

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