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Gardenia Plants

Q.What Can I Do if My Gardenia Bush Is in Full Sunlight?

holldav01 added on April 17, 2011 | Answered

What can I do if my gardenia bush is in full sunlight? In addition, I have no where else to put it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2011

If it is already there and is doing ok, I would not worry about it. It sounds as if it has adjusted and will be fine.

If you are planning on planting one in a very sunny location, you can expect so-so results from it. It may adjust and be fine, but it may not and will look sickly or even die. It is best to work with plants that match your gardens sun and soil conditions, though it is fun to sometimes try to toe the line and see if we can get a plant to survive where it should not.

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