Q.What can I do if my cyclaman never lost it’s leaves after blooming and it isn’t looking like it’s going to bloom again?
I got this plant while it was in full bloom last Feb.It never lost it’s leaves after blooming.It actually looks pretty healthy.,but it isn’t doing much of anything as far as blooming or growing.I had been in the hospital and I think while I was in there was when it lost it’s leaves.When I got home I thought it was dying for lack of care so I fed and watered it and it came back to life,or more likely woke up from it’s nap.Is there any way to get it to bloom again ?
I have had a cyclamen for years,I just keep it moist and occasionally it re flowers.The leaves look healthy and I always remove them once they go yellowish.If I go away,I stand it in an inch of water.That lasts a week,if you are away longer,my neighbour looks after my plants.Hope it re flowers for you.