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Peace Lily Plants

Q.What Can I Do About A Wilted Peace Lilly?

Zone Canada | Anonymous added on July 22, 2022 | Answered

I have a Peace Lilly in a fairly large-sized pot, transplanted from the original received at the time of purchase. I’m afraid that I may have overwatered it because it has appeared wilted for quite some time. As a result, I haven’t watered it for almost 3 weeks. Could my air conditioner be affecting anything? At times when I do feel the soil texture, it isn’t really that dry. I did top up the soil from a friend’s garden all to minimal avail. Any tips would help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 1, 2022

It's best not to use garden soil on your houseplants. There are too many organisms in garden soil.

I would repot the plant since you think it's been overwatered. There could be root rot setting in. Wash out the container real well and use fresh potting mix. Check the roots and cut off any brown or black roots or anything mushy. Also the container shouldn't be more than one to two inches wider than the previous pot. Moving to a too-large pot can cause the plant to be overwatered. Here is how to repot:



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