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Q.What bulb is this?

Zone 3084 | funkiebrewster added on January 11, 2016 | Answered

This bulb is growing in my garden and I’m not sure what it is? (We are temporarily renting!) I love it! I’ve done some searching and think it might be an ornamental ginger. It might not be a bulb either, could be a rhizome but I’m not sure. I’m not an amazing gardener! Thanks in advance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 11, 2016

I tried to attach a photo again but it hasn't worked! The plant has similar looking green leaves to a canna lily but has a very long stem about 2 metres tall. At the end of each stem is a green tubular flower spike with many flower buds on it. I think it will flower soon in a bright colour. I've looked it up and it looks like a photo of a type of ornamental ginger. It looks like a bulb but could be a rhizome? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Are ornamental gingers' bulbs or rhizomes?

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