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African Violets

Q.What Are These White Spots On My Mini African Violet’s Leaves?

Zone Zone 5 | iliketea added on March 12, 2022 | Answered

Hi! What could be the cause of these white spots on my mini African violet’s leaves? They’re similar to white or brown water spots, but they aren’t caused by water. I water from the bottom, and it’s not in a location where it could be getting inadvertently splashed by any kind of liquid. The white spots seem to be present already on the baby leaves when they first develop. The plant hasn’t always had these white spots – they first appeared on a single leaf, and then on every subsequent leaf that has grown in. I haven’t repotted or changed anything about it’s environment during this time. Any ideas what this could be? Thank you for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 14, 2022

There are a few things that come to mind. Any direct light will cause this, as will water that is too cold. Roots will, easily, go into shock over little changes

If you are certain that the water is sufficiently warm and that there is NO direct sunlight on the leaves, then it could be a genuine fungal issue. In this case, a fungicide will be necessary. I would only attempt this after all other options are exhausted. AV's can be incredibly sensitive.


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