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Philodendron Plants

Q.What Are These Small Yellow Spots On My Philodendron Congo Rojo Leaves?

Zone Panama, Panama | gramosm added on July 22, 2020 | Answered

I dry its leaves in the morning as they have drops of water, this is to avoid bacteria. Also have been spraying it once a week with fungicide for the past two weeks, as was recommended by the nursery from where I bought it a few months ago. I keep it indoors with no direct sunlight but in a bright spot near a window. Fertilized it twice in the past 3-4 months and is planted in a well draining soil.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 22, 2020

This is very good, and well placed, information on your plant and its care! I see what appears to be bacterial spotting. Sometimes, when there is too much present for a fungicide to kill off, it will still take over.

I notice that the container is in another container. This will mean that water will pool up closer to the bottom. This can lead to bacterial growth, and therefor infection.

Along with your spray fungicide, I would recommend a teaspoon of WETTABLE SULFUR and a tablespoon of DOLOMITIC LIME added to the top of the soil. Once this trickles down, it will start to kill off infections deep in the soil. One treatment of this will be enough. You can do this once or twice per year.

Make sure, when you water, to let all extra water out of the bottom container. Any sitting water will facilitate further infection.

Do not cut the leaves off unless they are more than halfway overtaken by disease, and especially not until you have treated the soil.

Here is an article that will help you with the plants, general, care outside of what I have described:


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Answered on July 22, 2020

Thank you Bush Doctor! When I water my philodendron I take out the inner container, let the water drain and then put it back in its place. I also recently changed the soil it came with from the nursery.

Which wettable sulfur do you recommend I buy?

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