Q.What are the pepper like granules on my cucumbers?
From the smallest to the longest I have little black hard granules on the cucumbers that rub off very easily. There doesn’t seem to be any issues with the plants or leaves. I am unable to find an answer. They don’t appear to be bugs. They are hard and grainy. If they wash off, can I eat the cucumbers or not? This is my first time ever attempting to grow any form of vegetables and I am getting mass cucumbers but they are short and often round. When I cut them open, they are seedy and good. Please help me figure out the black granules.
My first reaction that is it's just little spots from the soil splashing up unto the plant when watering.
It could be a fungus though so you could go ahead and treat with Neem Oil if you feel it is something other then just soil.
Here are a few links for you.