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Q.What Are the Best Seeds to Plant Now May With Kids?

picnicjones added on May 3, 2013 | Answered

What are the best seeds to plant now in May with kids? (New Orleans. LA)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 6, 2013
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Answered on July 26, 2013

You can sprout CHIA seeds in 2 days, just inside a clear plastic container
on a wet papertowel, using a water spray bottle once a day. Keep it closed
so it stays moist.
They can eat it right away, its full of nutrients. They will continue that at home
for it is very rewarding, looks like Alfalfa sprouts, but is even healthier.

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Answered on May 4, 2013

I would use radish seed, appx 3100 per oz or 100 per gram, fast germination, easy to handle, and on most seed packet racks.

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Answered on May 4, 2013

Thank you for getting back to me, actually this is really just a class experiment, so we will be planting seeds in drainable (with holes at bottom) dixie cups. While we hope this kids will be transfering the plant to their garden later, we really want to focus on the germination and would love to see some beautiful green spout in the next 12 days or so. We plan to start the project Monday inside the classroom.

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Answered on May 4, 2013

Please expand the question. Flowers, vegetables, indoor, curiosity, harvest, sun, shade..............

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