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Q.What Are The Best Part Shade Plants For Container/balcony Gardening?

Zone Plymouth, MA 02360 | Anonymous added on April 16, 2021 | Answered

I would like to start an outside garden on my apartment balcony. It gets partial sun / partial shade. I have planted tomato plants and other full shade plants that never seem to succeed. Something that climbs or is fragrant or even a veggie or herb. I am not picky. I don’t want to waste money on plants that will inevitably fail. I live in Plymouth, MA.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2021

For summer annuals you can't beat begonias. There are many different varieties; one of my favorites is the Big begonia. For attracting hummingbirds, fuchsia (usually sold in hanging baskets) should do well.
For perennials, since they will be in a container, choose plants that are hardy to your zone minus 2. For example, you are in USDA hardiness zone 6b, so select plants that are hardy to zone 4.


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