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Wax Begonias

Q.What animal upends begonias?

Zone 06807 | Anonymous added on May 24, 2020 | Answered

I recently planted wax begonias in my window boxes. The next morning, all of the begonias were dug up. The only part of the plant that was disturbed were the roots.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 26, 2020

You don't mention whether the leaves or roots have been chewed upon or eaten, so I'm going to guess this is a nocturnal creature, such as a chipmunk or vole, or a cat who may be looking for a place to relieve itself. I hope you're able to bury the roots and save your begonia.

Here are articles about these creatures:


Here's a begonia article for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/begonia/annual-begonia-care.htm

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