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Garden Problems

Q.What am I doing wrong?

Zone NC | dory erickson added on May 26, 2014 | Answered

They are young plants just planted in the fall. The blossoms are very very small and on only one side of the stalk. They are in a shaded garden. Should I move them in the sun?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2014

Plants are affected by many things in their environment - light, water, soil, minerals, and winter temperature, to name a few. If your plants are not looking the way you expect, you need to think about all those factors. They might need more light, they might also need more or less water, they might need to be in soil that drains better, they might need different pH, or more (or less) minerals (from fertilizer), or the winter cold could have affected them. But the first thing always is to know what kind of plant you have. So before we can give you any suggestions, we need to know what kind of plant you're wondering about.

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