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Comfrey Plants

Q.What About Comfrey And Pots?

Zone 84105 | aletha0shea@gmail.com added on June 2, 2021 | Answered

Can Comfrey be grown in pots in home? I would like to keep this around in the kitchen for cuts and abrasions. Is this possible?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2021

This plant can be, highly, invasive. Growing them in container is a perfect way to control the spreading habit.

Put them in a south facing window, or install a small horticultural lamp above them to keep them happy. Be mindful of watering, and let the soil dry out down to about halfway, thoroughly, between waterings. Snip and use, constantly, for the best growth.

Here is an article that will explain the needs of this plant:


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