Q.Well, My Two Amaryyllis Just Finished Blooming – Oh, So Beautiful!!! Now What? I Did Cut The Stems Off, But What Of The Leaves?
I live in Florida, so the growing season is different from that up north. Now, I will mention, I did purchase mine while up north around the first of the year about two years ago. One of my blooms is white, a triple. That one had three blooms. My other is a red, single petal, absolutely heavenly, and that one had five blooms!! So awesome. I just don’t know what to do now with the leaves. I have never fertilized. Leave till they brown, or cut off? Thank you for your patience in reading all this. And thank you for your kind assistance. Dolores Trethewey.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This isn't going to be as straightforward as other plant's care, unfortunately. Amaryllis require a dormancy of 8 to 10 weeks at around 50 degrees. Bringing them to dormancy means stopping all watering and fertilization. Once they start to brown and die off.Once they are fully or mostly dead, you can trim them off to prepare for digging them up for their temperature controlled dormancy. This can help ensure that your flowers will bloom to their full potential.