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Zucchini Plants

Q.Weird zucchini growth, what’s happening?

Zone 9 | Dawnie55 added on July 2, 2012 | Answered

I have some zucchini growing on my plants that look strange. The blossom end is not rotting, but is growing strange. Instead of the blossom falling off and leaving a little brown “bellybutton”, it just grows fatter and looks like another zucchini is developing from the first. Kind of like uncontrolled cell growth. I looked online but all I can find is blossom rot, which it isn’t. Thanks for any help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2012

This is sometimes referred to as twin or double fruitng. While not common, it does happen now and then. It's a condition where two or more blossoms, in this case female, fuse together and the fruit essentially grows as a siamese twin fruit.

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