Q.Weird Things On My Bonsai Stems
These seemed to appear overnight on my gardenia bonsai stems. It is indoor at the moment because it’s still too cold outside. What are these? I plucked one out & the underside had thick liquid red. I’ve isolated my bonsai from the rest of my plants. What do I need to do to get rid of them? I briefly searched online & have not been successful. Thank you in advance for any information.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These are one of the many types of Scale insect! This tough creature will destroy your plants, so it is important to get rid of them, as soon as you can.
First, you will need to remove what you can, manually, before employing your choice of insect control to prevent them from coming back. Since they seal themselves to your plants, they will not come off with spraying, alone.
These articles will help you with Gardenia care: