Q.Weeping Willow Anthracnose?
Hi, I’m after some confirmation about an issue that has been effecting my relatively new weeping willow. Since spring, new leaves and stems seem to have been infected. I believe it to be anthracnose from a quick look online, but wanted to get some confirmation. If it is, can I do anything to help the tree recover? I would say it seems to effecting the majority of the branches and leaves… Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes. I would try and keep any infected growth at bay. It will take multiple applications to fully control it.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would look more towards Venturia salciperda. This is a scab disease that can form cankers on the base or branches. It is accompanied by these lesions on the stem. It looks to have progressed pretty far along. I'd apply fungicides as soon as you can. This will help treat and make sure that it isn't accompanied by it's terrible best friend, Glomerella miyabeanais. Once you can get rid of the scab infection you can begin to diagnose any diseases along side this one.
You can also take samples up to your local extension service, or the equivalent of our extension service here in the US. Though this link will not help you to find an extension in your country, it will give you an idea of how to find one in your area.
This article will help you with general willow care:

Thanks for the info. Will get on this right away. Would you recommend the infected new shoots/branches are cut away and removed prior to applying any form of fungicide?