Q.“Weeping” Tree Growing Towards The Sky…
Hello there…we bought a Prunus yedoensis Ivensii Patio Tree tree in March 2023 and its come on in leaps and bounds, however this year, the branches are turning more towards the sky instead of “weeping” which is why we bought it. Can you help as to why?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to see the issue in question. If the tree was heavily pruned, then it could have shot up suckers from the root stock of the tree. Essentially, these are a completely different tree than the top grafted portion. Usually, specialized specimens are grafted to more vigorous root stocks to promote faster growth. If the tree is under stress, then it can send up suckers from the root stock. Since these are likely an upright variety they will look like the bottom tree.