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Ficus Trees

Q.Weeping fig tree

Zone Dayton 45405 | Mboegel179 added on November 22, 2016 | Answered

We have a large 7′ weeping fig. Every summer it is outside in a protected area that receives adequate sun. It is a beautiful tree, loses leaves when brought inside but recovers nicely when put outside. Inside it is located in an east window. Unfortunately, this year it was hit with a heavy frost before it was brought in the house. Needless to say most of the leaves are dry now and falling off because of the frost. My question, is there anything that can be done to help the tree recover or is it a hopeless situation and have I killed the tree?

Thank you for your help. I have no pictures.

Marcile Griffin

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 23, 2016

Frost damage is a common problem in figs. But even in a heavily frost-damaged fig tree, there is often a healthy part remaining that will grow back with time. Be sure not to overwater while the tree is recovering. Wait until spring to prune, because it is hard to tell which branches will produce new growth.

Here's how to check whether a tree is dead:
Even then, the roots may be alive, and may produce new shoots if you cut the tree back to the ground in spring.

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