Q.weeping cherry tree problem
I have a weeping cherry tree that is about four years old. Last summer I had a large bee’s nest in the top of the tree and sprayed it with bee killer. Unfortunately, this also killed my tree’s leaves and it did not come back out this spring. I cut the dead limbs back, and now I have some smaller limbs shooting out from the sides of the tree, but none from the top to fall over and weep. Is there anything I can do to restore the weeping or falling over limbs from the top of the tree?
Unfortunately, most weeping cherries are grafted. The top is a weeping cherry, while the roots are from a sturdier tree. Once the top dies, the root tree will try to reassert itself as the whole tree by growing those shoots, called suckers, at the bottom.
This article will help you determine for sure if the top of the tree is dead. If it is, then you will not be able to bring it back.