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Weeping Cherry Trees

Q.weeping cherry tree

Zone oroville, washington 5-9 | Anonymous added on April 3, 2017 | Answered

I have 2 weeping cherry trees , one is doing good the other the top 1/3 seems to be dying can I cut it down and if I do what do I do with the top can I cover it somehow to encourage grown. I have fertilized it and the limbs are growing out of the 2/3 lower trunk but nothing up top.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 4, 2017

Unfortunately it sounds as if the one Weeping Cherry top graft has died. Weeping Cherry Trees are grafted onto the trunk of a different root stock. The growth that you describe is growing from the root stock--not from the Weeping portion of the tree.

If this is a new planting--perhaps you planted it last season--the garden center or greenhouse may offer a replacement.

Here are some articles about care information.


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