Q.Weeping Cherry Tree
I bought a 4 foot weeping cherry at a local Home Depot. Looked nicely shaped and appeared basically healthy however the leaves had small pin holes in them….not black spots or mold….they sold me some copper organic spray treatment which i applied once…..now all of the leaves are dry shriveled dark brown….branches are still supple….will this tree leaf out again this season…is it going to die ? best guess? I can return it….it has a nice shape…
I live in NH and it was bought last week…. thank you
This sounds like it could be Shot Hole Disease.
How severe the disease was and if you were able to successfully treat is the issue.
Loss of all green leaves is not a good sign.
You can wait it out and make a determination in the spring.
I would check on the return or replacement policy at the store you purchased from.
Most reputable garden centers will replace a tree in the first year.
These links will help you.