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Hyacinth Plant

Q.weeping cherry bark is splitting

Zone 5 | owens added on May 16, 2015 | Answered

My weeping cherry is about 8 feet tall. About 4 feet from the ground a branch is growing, which is about a foot long. Below this branch the bark on the tree is splitting open. Can the tree be saved and what should we do? My husband coated the split open part with black stuff you would paint on a tree branch that was cut off. The tree is leafed out and we do have some blossoms.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2015

I am going to refer you to a very excellent article on bark splitting from Cornell University which discusses the possible reasons this occurred (various environmental factors). This split in your tree is not likely to be fatal but the article will outline things you can do to encourage the natural callusing process that the tree will undergo to close that split.

(Cornell University PDF – bark splitting on trees): https://bit.ly/1KEmrRn

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